BYOD Program

In 2023 all students will continue to participate in the GWSC ‘Bring Your
Own Device’ (BYOD) Program. This program has opened up the learning opportunities
for our students providing them with easy access to ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning.

There is no doubt that technology has the potential to reshape teaching and learning
processes and contribute significantly to enhanced learning outcomes for students. The
BYOD program provides our students with improved access to learning technologies
and online learning.

The nature of learning for students in the 21st century has changed and will continue to
evolve. In the past, student access to information, knowledge and understanding was
restricted to the information and knowledge brought into the classroom by the teacher.
Metaphorically, the walls of the classroom have now been removed and students can
seek and gather information they require from anywhere in the world through the
Internet. This will occur not only in their timetabled class but also outside of school

We must also move beyond seeing technology as simply a tool for word processing and
gathering information. The development of computer skills and competencies is
important, but it is not enough. In the 21st Century, success lies in being able to
communicate, share, and use information to solve complex problems, in being able to
adapt and innovate in response to new demands and changing circumstances, and in
being able to use technology to create new knowledge and expand human capacity and
productivity. The personal mobile device provides access to a range of applications that
will assist them to process information, build key understanding of content and concepts
along with the ability to design, create, share and solve problems.

Glen Waverley Secondary College has vigorously pursued a sustained whole school
approach aimed at developing the innovative use of computers within a framework of
the latest global research relating to effective teaching and learning. Teachers routinely
use a range of ICT applications that support the vision for learning within the College.

Teachers at Glen Waverley Secondary College design learning experiences and
outcomes utilising a diverse range of learning strategies with the objective of developing
powerful learners. Consequently, a student will not be using a computer in their learning
all the time. However, students will have immediate access to these devices when
required, both within the College and at home. Student access to a personal mobile
device through the BYOD Program enhances their learning opportunities.

Of course this is a great opportunity for our students but it is accompanied with clear
expectations about the responsible use and care of their personal mobile device. It is
the College’s expectation that students will be responsible digital citizens, using ICT
within our’ Digital Citizenship policy guidelines and develop positive attitudes towards
ICT that foster lifelong learning, personal growth, collaboration and productivity.

We are preparing our students for the future and effective use of technology, which
actively engages students in their learning and enhances their opportunities for
developing creativity and working collaboratively, is vital.

Joanne Wastle


2025 BYOD Requirements and FAQs