Year 10
Work Experience
Work Experience is a program where Year 10 students experience the world of work, often for the first time. It is the short-term placement with employers, to provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which a student is working. Students will primarily observe and learn, and undertake manageable tasks; they will not undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.
Work experience forms an integral part of the career development process. It can provide students with:
The Work Experience Arrangement
Each Work Experience placement requires the completion of a Work Experience Arrangement Form. This form is a legal document and must be completed and signed by all parties involved - the student, the parent, the employer and the school.
The student will be insured for Work Cover and Public Liability by the Department of Education and should be paid a minimum of $5.00 a day by the employer (Federal Government Institutions and non-profit organisations are exempt from making payments).
Features of the Glen Waverley Secondary College Year 10 Work Experience Program
CAREERS development PROGRAm
As part of their studies, all Year 10 students will complete a Careers Development program that build on the work they have completed in Year 7 – 9 and also start them to think critically on their personal future.
By the end of Year 10, it is expected that students will:
Vocational testing
Students will use their Morrisby profile to further explore their preferred future. They will be exploring different options for their VCE and how these options fit in with their profile.
Year 10 students will also be able to use the Myfuture questionnaire ‘Matching Skills and Interests to a Career’ at to help refine their Career Plans
Vocational interest testing can be a valuable tool in conjunction with other holistic career development activities, in particular for students who have no idea about what they may like to do in the future. It can enhance their knowledge of vocational interests and provide them with a range of occupations to be explored. Follow up with career exploration activities of occupations can then form the basis of reality checking. Students need to know which courses and occupations are real options, which are those from which they will be excluded because they do not have the physical requirements or the academic ability. They also need to be aware of future job prospects in occupational areas that interest them.
VCE Planning Seminar
In preparation for selecting their Year 11 VCE course, Year 10 students will attend a VCE Planning Seminar to explain the VCE system and to provide them with information on the VCE subjects available at GWSC. Students are also informed of VET in the VCE options, alternatives to completing the VCE at GWSC and factors which should be considered when choosing VCE subjects.
Following the seminar, each Year 10 class will be allocated a VCE course counsellor who will discuss with students their proposed VCE course and advise accordingly. There will also be a VCE Information Night for parents.
Students will receive a folder of information which will include the Tertiary Entry Guide for the year they will be entering tertiary study. This guide is published by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). This guide is important reading for Year 10 students as it lists prerequisite VCE subjects. These are subjects that students must study in the VCE to be eligible to gain entry to a tertiary course at University or TAFE.
VCE Careers Expo
All students and their parents will be able to attend the VCE Careers Expo held in early term 3. The expo will allow them to ask questions of current students studying the different subjects on offer at GWSC as well as asking the Heads of Learning Areas about their subjects. There will also be the opportunity to talk to representatives from the major Universities and TAFE providers. This aim of the expo is to allow the students to make informed subject choices for their VCE.
VCE Parent Information Evening.
This evening will allow parents to become better informed in the structure of the VCE and how it is run. Topic covered will include:
Subject selection
VCE structure at GWSC
ATAR and Scaling
Alternatives to the VCE.
Year 11 & 12
In Year 11, the students will continue refining their ideas of the world and the main focus is looking at where they might be heading after Year 12. They will partake in a range of different activities that will help them to choose relevant subjects for their Year 12 and beyond.
The main focus in Year 12 is the transition to University, TAFE or employment.
The Tertiary Transition Program aims to prepare students for the move from secondary schooling to tertiary study, further training or employment. Students will participate in the following activities:
Students are encouraged to attend institutional information evenings and Open Days and to research courses and careers using the plethora of institutional and careers sites on the web.