Health and Physical Education at GWSC is a compulsory subject in years 7-10 and explores a broad range of physical activities that foster the development of motor skills, improve fitness, promote healthy lifestyles and encourage success and enjoyment for all students.
YEAR 7 & 8 Physical Education and Health
The course examines the underlying basis of human movement, and strategies that can improve physical health and fitness. Students participate in a range of learning activities such as the development of practical motor skills, enhancement of fitness and healthy lifestyles, understanding and implementing skills, rules and strategies through a game sense approach. Practical and theory learning activities embed the development of social capabilities; communication, leadership and working in teams.
Year 7 students undertake 3 periods of practical activity per week. Year 8 students participate in 2 practical sessions and 2 theory sessions with a focus on topics such as values and decision making, health and wellbeing, nutrition, puberty and respectful relationships.
Year 9
Year 9 students will participate in 2 practical sessions and 2 theory sessions per week. The practical sessions will build on the skills learnt in year 7 & 8 and also include a Hip Hop unit. Theory lessons will focus around promoting attitudes and behaviors which improve the health of young people including helping them to make responsible decisions in relation to health issues. Practical and theory learning activities also embed the development of social capabilities; communication, leadership and working in teams.
Electives will be available to Year 9 students:
Year 10
Year 10 students will participate in 2 practical sessions and 3 theory sessions per week. All students are required to select 1 semester length HPE unit with the opportunity to select another as the free choice. Students are offered the following HPE electives;
VCE Studies (Year 11 & 12)
Students will then have the opportunity to undertake VCE courses in Physical Education and Health and Human Development.
Health and PE week:
Every Year GWSC participates in Health and PE week with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles and lifelong participation in Physical Activity.