From the 29th of April to the 3rd of May this year, GWSC hosted its tenth annual ‘Poverty Awareness Week’ to raise awareness and also funds for both Oaktree and FoodBank, who support impoverished communities across the globe afflicted by this injustice.
The students and staff of our GWSC 2024 ‘Live Below The Line’ Fundraising Network and GWSC 2024 'Fundraising & Community Service' Committee would like to send out a MASSIVE THANK-YOU to all of those incredible people in our #GWSCommunity who kindly supported and involved themselves in our education programs and fundraising initiatives during 'PAW' in 2024.
We kicked off our 'PAW' fundraising activities with our Mega-Lob-A-Choc-6.0 fundraising event where the fifty cent pieces were flying and stacks of 'FairTrade' chocolate blocks were won by our students and staff alike. Treseder Hall was again rocking on the Wednesday of 'PAW', with our 'Live and Loud Below The Line' Battle of the Bands charity concert showcasing the musical talents of many students up on stage, whilst our 'F&CS' Committee student leaders educated the huge crowd about poverty in all its guises between sets. The 78 members of our 'Live Below The Line Fundraising' Network celebrated the half-way mark of their empathetic eating endeavours, sharing stories about their $2 a day menu plans whilst also providing support and encouragement to one another during our annual 'Lunch Below The Line'.
We then had a visit from Bunnings staff members on the Thursday of 'PAW', who assisted our GWSC Garden Club to run our 'Sustainable Gardening Display' and also give away over 500 herbs and flowers that they planted in eco-pots! Our 'Mega Mother's Day Market' helped our 'F&CS' Committee to raise even more funds in support of Oaktree and FoodBank, as students and staff exchanged donations for gorgeous gifts and cards for their Mum or Nan. Our annual 'FoodBank' Food Drive was a great success, with a mountain of rice, pasta and tinned foods being donated by our generous #GWSCommunity. We then finished 'PAW' with a celebration and awards ceremony, where our dedicated and inspiring 'LBTL'ers and 'F&CS' Committee Student Leaders were recognised and thanked for their fantastic efforts raising awareness and donations throughout 'Poverty Awareness Week'.
It was amazing to witness so many conversations and events happening throughout our 2024 ‘Poverty Awareness Week’ which enhanced our collective understanding of the issues associated with extreme poverty, encouraged us to consider how it is linked to sustainability and most importantly got us all thinking about what we can do to create enduring change to support communities living below the poverty line to rise above it....
Together this year, our #GWSCommunity raised a tremendous total of $6,029 and 127 kg of donated food items to support the charitable endeavours of Oaktree and FoodBank. Incredibly, over the past 10 years our #GWSCommunity has raised an amazing $156,845 and 1457 kg of non-perishable food items to support both local and international aid organisations, who assist impoverished communities in need.
Thank-you again #GWSCommunity members….your empathy, generosity and support are greatly appreciated! It has been a real team effort, from a wide range of members across our #GWSCommunity, to organise and run our tenth 'Poverty Awareness Week'. We are so fortunate to learn, work and live alongside such phenomenally munificent and empathetic people at GWSC who are dedicated to improving the lives of others impacted by the injustice of poverty around our world. Remember, if you can waste not and want not….then those in need will never have to be!
Thank-you again amazing Glenny Community, we look forward to continuing our fight against poverty into the future alongside you all!
Kind Regards,
Mr Mark Robinson on behalf of our 2024 GWSC 'Live Below The Line' Fundraising Network and 2024 GWSC ‘Fundraising & Community Service’ Committee.